Popular South Indian actor Ram Charan and his wife Upasana welcomed a beautiful daughter into the world a week ago. Since the news of the birth of a baby girl, fans and netizens have been waiting for the name of the daughter.
While there were several speculations regarding the name, the name that Upasana and Ram Charan chose for their beloved daughter was unexpected for everyone.
On Friday evening, Upasana Kamineni konidela wife of Ram Charan took to Instagram to reveal the name of their newborn daughter. With a series of cute pictures, Upasana revealed in the caption that they have mutually decided on their daughterβs name as Klin Kaara Konidela.Β
image source:https://cdn.siasat.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/ram-charan-upasana-1-1-780×470.jpg
Since many people would think the origin of the name is non-Indian, Upasana also clarified the origins of the name in the caption. The caption that revealed the name of their daughter also showed its Indian origins.
According to the caption, the name is taken from an Indian scripture called the Lalitha Sahasranamam. Lalitha is an Indian goddess and the scripture consists of one thousand names of the divine goddess. Klin Kaara is one of the names of the goddess Lalitha.
The caption also explained the meaning of the name Klin Kaara. According to the scripture, the name refers to purifying and transformative energy that leads to spiritual awakening in humans and other creatures.
The picture that contained the caption showed the four grandparents joyfully cradling the newborn daughter in a cradle of cloth. All four can be seen smiling broadly in the picture.
The Konidelas: A complete family
Last year in December, Upasana shared the happy news of her pregnancy with her fans. Since then her and Ram Charanβs fans have been awaiting the arrival of the baby in the world.
Last week as Upasana broke the news of the babyβs arrival on the internet, there was a wave of joy among fans and family of the Konidelas. Upasana shared the big news by posting a picture of their family on Instagram.