On June 2, a Coromandel Express headed for Chennai collided with a cargo train carrying iron ore close to the Bahanaga Bazar station in Balasore.

In NEW DELHI: Senior Congressman Jairam Ramesh intensified his party’s criticism of the administration on Wednesday by asserting that the “sabotage theory” put forth in the wake of the Balasore train catastrophe was intended to “escape accountability.”

“It is obvious that the purpose of the sabotage theory put forth by the Prime Minister and the Minister of the Railways is to avoid responsibility and control the news cycle. According to Jairam Ramesh’s post on Twitter, quoting a news article on the conclusions of the Commissioner of Railway Safety, “the Commissioner of Rail Safety has concluded that serious inadequacies in procedures and systems relating to rail safety were the cause of the Balasore train disaster.”

image source:https://static.toiimg.com/thumb/msid-100752258,imgsize-96796,width-400,resizemode-4/100752258.jpg

Who is listening, though? Vande Bharat train debuts continue, a horrifying tragedy brought on by the Modi administration’s wrong priorities, he added.

On June 2, the Coromandel Express, headed for Chennai, collided with an iron ore-loaded goods train on the loop route just outside of the Bahanaga Bazar station in Balasore, causing at least 293 fatalities.

The Indian Railways discussed suspected sabotage and possible interference with the electronic linking system, the brains of their signaling system, in the days following the catastrophe.

The CRS, according to HT, however, pointed out flaws at several levels in the signaling and telecommunication (S&T) division and blamed defective signaling as a result of two unsuccessful repair attempts, but it also stated the deadliest train accident.

“The rear-collision (of Coromandel Express) was caused by failures in the signaling circuit alteration carried out… in the past and during the execution of the signaling work related to replacement of the electric lifting barrier for level crossing gate number 94 at the station,” according to the report.