Heeramandi fame, Richa Chadha with husband Ali Fazal, has collaborated with acclaimed fashion designer, Yasmin Saeed to preserve the Chikankari tradition of Lucknow, and make ready-to-stitch creations accessible for men and women of all classes. The power couple of Bollywood believes it is only a small gesture on their part that has now blossomed into a full-fledged tribute.
When the Fukrey actors got married in October 2022, Richa Chadha wore a custom Abu Jani-Sandeep Khosla kurti for her roka ceremony in Lucknow. Her off-white Chikankari kurti was heavily embroidered with borders and yoke. She wore the kurti with a net dupatta that was accented with crystals of Swarovski.Β
The small move on her part has now grown into a full-fledged tribute. The sustainable fashion brand Ehaab Couture is a label for which the power couple has collaborated with the famous designer Yasmin Saeed. The sustainable fashion brand celebrates the centuries-old Chikankari. The brand, Ehaab, strives to preserve the legacy of the Chikankari kurtas. The first product comprises a Chikankari kurta for men and women in summery shades such as apple green, peach, and darker shades of blue, mauve, and purple.
Ehaab, which means a gift, is a word derived from the Arabic world βehb.β Ali Fazal, whose family has been in touch with Yasmin for many years, has stepped forward to look out whether or not the latterβs production is up-to-the mark in Lucknow.
The duo has now come up with something intrinsic and sustainable which perfectly represents the culture of India. The brand strives to make their brand accessible to the world. This is why Ehaab was born. The seeds for the brand were sown during the pandemic.
With this brand, the Fukrey actor and actress Ali Fazal and Richa Chadha aim to support artisans of India, the true custodians of the handcrafted legacy of India. For them, Ehaab is much more than just a fashion label or a business endeavor. The actor, Ali Fazal, shares how bringing in people at a small scale and scavenging talented people can add value to millions of lives. He believes in bringing in people that are actually talented and add value to the lives of thousands.
The brand, Ehaab, strives to help the Lucknow karigars follow the brand’s vision and help in creating unique products. However, there is a wide range of brands already selling Lucknow labels and NGOs, retailing and elaborating luxurious designs. The ready-to-stitch Lucknow fabrics make the perfect fashion design with luxurious and elaborate gaps, making a perfect choice for locations facing hot climate conditions., shares Richa, the latest cinematic outing with Sanjay Leela Bhansali, Heeramandi.
The power couple of Bollywood retails clothes from her website. The brand also raises the bar and speaks highly of the history of Chikankari.