Speaking the recent postponement of the decision of the state government of Andhra Pradesh to implementing CBSE Examination system in 1000 Government schools, Parents Association of Andhra Pradesh has spoken very high pitched. The members of the PAAP have insisted that this position should be reversed as it is not in the best interest’s academic growth of the students in their future careers.
In a statement held in September 15, PAAP State president Narahari Sikharam, secretary G. Eswariah and State honorary president M. Kota Reddy has expressed their displeasure over the change by the government on the 2014. 2015. 2016 students’ transition to State Secondary School of Examination (SSE) Board from CBSE assessments on the year 2024 25 final evaluations. They actually highlighted how this sudden change after 4 months of a new academic year is bound to affect the development of the students’ academic calendar.
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The government’s explanation on why the implementation of CBSE has been put off was particularly hinged on the built capacity of the teachers and the chances of students being able to pass the final examinations. But according to PAAP leaders, such an assessment of students in the SSC exams would most probably have returned such assessment results.
They asked the government, whether if students are not ready for the CBSE tests, then why were the SSC examinations canceled by the government, thereby arguing that the government had no reasons or ceases in their fears.
Similarly, the PAAP leaders did not argue against competition, instead properly oriented the students towards participation in global competition. They remarked that the CBSE and ICSE systems of education were increasingly being embraced by the states, as competitive examinations are always based on such syllabi.
The leaders have emphasized that any reform undertaken at this stage will serve the contrary purpose than the one it is intended and called the government to change its position.
The notes of the PAAP with respect to the decision taken by the Government indicate the need for a great deal of strategy and consideration prior to effecting such drastic changes into the education system of the country.
This is the reason why the initiative of the parents for asking the government to retract the position related to the CBSE exam system is aimed at the better academic performance of children. At the same time, the PAAP also stresses the issues pertaining to the need for consultation in decision making among the government, education providers and parents in order to make appropriate decisions for the learners. Such processes can also help in reviewing novel approaches to the improvement of the system targeting all relevant stakeholders in order to ensure that any such changes foster the least possible disruption in the pursuit of education by the students while enhancing their likelihood to be successful.