The latest dating world trend called Snowmanning is all about hookups and sudden disconnection. Relationship experts warn youngsters about how snowmanning is promoting emotional fallouts and STIs.
The world of modern dating is ever-changing and dating trends surely come and go. Snowmanning is a new dating trend that has been negatively affecting the dating life of individuals. As festive as it sounds, snowmanning is a common dating trend that happens around New Year’s and Christmas celebrations. The casual flings promoting relationships trend happens mostly during hometown get-togethers, experts revealed.
The emerging holiday dating trend, Snowmanning, is raising the eyes of relationship and mental health experts worldwide. The potential drawback of the snowmaking trend is worsening the health of singles falling prey to it. This kind of dating behaviour is similar to a melting snowman. The sexual partner quickly disappears within 24 hours. And no, snowmanning cannot fall in the casual hookups category. Studies show that casual hookups have, time and again, led to satisfying and long-lasting relationships.

Snowmanning is the latest trend in the dating world that everyone should beware of. The hidden dangers of snowmanning (holiday hookups) are often left unnoticed.
Hidden Dangers Of Snowmanning
Snowmanning can look like a harmless holiday fling but it is not. The emotional fallout after snowmanning can cause mental health turmoils that go beyond the celebration. A recent study has revealed that 20 per cent of Britishers have fallen prey to the snowmanning trend. A snowmanning relationship goes beyond sudden cut-off and ghosting. The emotional toll of being snowmanned can sting people. Experts worldwide warn about the physical risks, such as sexually transmitted diseases. STIs can further cause health problems among people.
Experts have revealed an increase in casual hookups post the lockdown days. The rising trend of casual hooking during Christmas week happens due to the reignition of old flings. Holiday hookups are common at work parties, clubs, and bars. Experts further revealed that casual hookups during such encounters are the reason behind the spread of STIs.
The survey further highlighted that snowmanning is a trap. This holiday dating trend can affect the alcohol drinking habits and feelings of loneliness amongst people. People can end up making impulsive decisions and falling prey to emotional harm. The festive get-togethers are the main occasions where snowmanning happens.
Avoiding Snomanning
Flings that are inspired by the snowmanning trend end without the people in the relationship exchanging any contact details. Those who are exposed to STIs cannot warn their previous partners about it. The lack of communication amongst them can lead to a transmission chain. This is why experts recommend getting tested regularly during the December months because of the rising social activity.
Impulsive holiday hookups can lead to unprotected encounters and serious health concerns. Snowmanning is not a good decision because it can escalate conditions like infertility and pelvic inflammatory disease. Experts recommend getting tested for gonorrhoea and chlamydia, as well as HIV. Burning sensations are also a sign to visit a medical professional.