Friendship holds an integral place in the life of humans. The emotional as well as practical support that a person gets from friendship plays a crucial role in overall well-being.
People can nurture and even solidify their friendship bonds with people they value the most. They can become better friends and foster deeper relationships with their friends. They can witness mutual growth. It also revealed that friends can strengthen their bonds. Different gender and age groups of people can follow habits to foster them.
The researcher highlighted maintaining communication in relationships can strengthen friendships. People can acquire the support and trust of another person even more because friendship bonds can cultivate deeper feelings and build meaningful bonds.

The study showed people can strengthen their friendships by extending support in challenging situations to build close friendships. Being there for friends during challenging times is one prominent strategy for maintaining frequent contact through messages and even calls.
The reciprocation in the relationship can also deepen friendships over the years.
Giving Gifts
Giving gifts can foster friendship bonds. Giving gifts to friends is a tangible expression of care and thoughtfulness. Giving gifts can make friends feel that the other person is genuinely interested in nurturing their friendship. In-depth expressions of gratitude and love can connect people as well as leave lasting impressions.
Foster Family Connections
Supportive friendships can make the other person in the relationship feel a sense of belonging and even foster family connections. The comfort in the friendship built through common interests and sharing experiences can become the foundation of deeper friendships.
Increase Interaction
Friends can together plan activities to feel more emotionally and practically connected with one another. Staying in touch or increasing interaction with friends through hanging out is another way to be there for them. Creating opportunities to make new friends is all about sharing experiences and building trust. Active listening and empathy during interactions with a friend can build a stronger connection.
Build Trust
Building trust in friendships is all about creating a friendship bond that is full of openness and free from dishonesty. Honesty from both people in the friendship can foster stronger friendships and build deeper relationships.
Personality Type and Age
The findings of the study further revealed noteworthy changes in strengthening friendship through personality traits and age. The personality traits of a person can play a significant role in influencing friendships. Women younger in age should focus on building trustworthy relationships and interactions to be the better friend. Women can significantly nurture their relationships with greater interest.
Express Agreement
People with an agreeable nature can easily become better friendly due to their openness. Their versatile way of dealing with friendships can further help them strengthen their bond with friends. When people agree with each other they feel there is good mutual understanding between them. Relationships where people agree a lot with one another are meant to be friendship bonds that one should not let go at any costs.