Kerala Infrastructure for Technology and Education or KITE has launched a new education hub called LENS. This education hub is a content creation hub that creates educational content for students and learners. Since the education hub is launched by KITE it is also called KITE LENS.
The education hub was launched at Edappally. Edappally is the regional resource center of KITE. This center of regional resources of KITE was inaugurated by V Sivankutty. V Sivankutty is the education minister of Kerala. The CEO of KITE Anwar Sadat was also present at the inauguration of KITE LENS.
Birth of LENS
In the period of lockdown when schools were closed and running in online mode, KITE started experimenting with modern techniques that can enhance the quality of online education. Some of these techniques were audio-visual elements used to augment learning through online mode with the help of the internet.
Two years later in May 2023, KITE used these techniques as the foundation for the center of regional resources of KITE. The inclusion of these audio-visual techniques enabled KITE to launch an education hub with one of the best audio and visual content available on the internet.
These modern techniques also enhanced the learning methods, teaching processes, and assessments. It also made the educational sessions more interactive as well as interesting for students and learners.
KITE has integrated KITE LENS with the best quality audio and visual facilities. To ensure that students get educational content in the best quality KITE has equipped LENS with 4k recording, graphic editing, sound mixing, cyclorama, etc.
All these techniques are the latest techniques that enable LENS to deliver educational content to its viewers in the highest quality. It also helps the teachers and professors of the education hub which creates content for the viewers. Through these techniques, they can make their content interesting. Since online educational content cannot include live interaction, these techniques are the best way to make the content as interactive as possible.
The KITE LENS education hub stands second in the state of Kerala after another education hub which is located in Thiruvananthapuram city of Kerala.

Interview of Sivankutty
Interviewers asked the CEO of KITE after the process of inauguration. Some of the interviewers in the panel were also school students who were viewers of the education hub.
The student asked the CEO of KITE about how LENS is an important initiative in terms of educational reforms. Sivankutty responded to this question by saying that LENS is a major educational reform in the field of online educational content.
Sivankutty further said that the education hub will help teachers who have creative ideas and learning methods to reach distant students. Simultaneously it will also help those students who do not have access to quality education in remote areas.
Conclusively said Sivankutty LENS is a revolutionary education hub that will bring dramatic positive changes in the field of online educational content. Sivankutty also encouraged innovative teachers and enthusiastic students to connect to the LENS online education hub.
Lastly, Sivankutty said that KITE will provide all the necessary support and help t the education hub at every step it takes.