With the advent of cheap Jip internet in India, the usage of internet and data is increasing at a rapid pace as the country slowly and steadily connects to this wide world of internet connectivity. Smartphones are becoming extremely common even in remote villages of the country.

The villages which were once dominated by natural life and culture now have children and adults who are immersed in the screen of their smartphones and computers. Internet and social media can be like a drug for people who once they become hooked to the wires of their wi-fis, they find it difficult to cut their screen time. Therefore, it is important to discuss about reconnecting with life outside the four corners of our devices as this virus marches along the length and breadth of this country.

Digital World and Taking a Break

Excessive screen time has been found out to be the cause of various problems with the physical and mental health of such individuals. It has been found to be the cause of excessive stress, back pain, anxiety etc.

Therefore, taking a break is essential to keep living a healthy life. It can gift us better sleep quality and patterns and relieve us from the symptoms of mental strain. It can gift us better eyesight and prevent it from getting weak. It can nourish both our bodies and spirit as we utilize the time, we spent on screen doing activities which will help us connect with fellow human beings, give us time to pursue new hobbies, or spend time outside our house doing various physical activities.

We can do this by setting boundaries when it comes to our devices. Saying no to using it during specific activities like eating food, before bedtimes or while in the washroom etc. Not only saying no to it but training our mind to listen to that no.

Parents can encourage less screen time by creating zones in their house where digital devices are not allowed. Parents can also do this by encouraging their kids to take up hobbies and reward them for completing their hobby for the day. For example, paying them rupee 10 for every hundred-page book they read. This will serve as their motivation for reading which will eventually become something which they would like to do without these bribes. Therefore, it is extremely essential for people to keep a watch on their screen time and take steps to make sure that they do not overstep those boundaries which they should make for a healthy body and mind.